The Eastern Plains Natural Food Cooperative is a collaboration of private individuals interested in purchasing all natural meat, poultry, honey, & veggies and local area family enterprises engaged in pasture-based, non-intensive, & chemical free farming practices.

The Co-op philosophy is premised on a number of related facts:
  • There are compassionate individuals that want assurance the meat they consume comes from humanely raised animals.

  • There are educated consumers interested in purchasing food that has been naturally raised under environmentally sensitive conditions without the use of antibiotics, steroids, growth hormones or other chemical additives or fertilizers.

  • There is a growing movement away from industrialized commercial food factories and toward the return of the family farm.

  • There is a desire to understand where and how the food on the table has been produced, and to support the local economy.

  • There is increasing concern that the vast majority of food products are derived from sources intensely selected for industrial production, resulting in commercial agricultural gene pools devoid of diversity and vulnerable to disaster.
The Co-op Intent:
  • To provide concerned consumers with a reliable source of good quality, humanely treated, and naturally raised meat and vegetable products.

  • To faciltate predictable revenue streams with minimal overhead to help sustain the local production of naturally raised chemical free food.

  • To provide direct links between consumers and producers to foster a personal connection with the food they eat and the land upon which it was produced.

  • To strengthen local economies by keeping food dollars within the community.

  • To encourage the establishment of agricultural gene pools that can provide genetic diversity and long term source viability.

The food you provide your family affects the quality of their entire lives; If it is important to know your family doctor and dentist, then why not know your family farmer?